Today's Taekwondo

Why Hip Strength Is So Important and How To Develop It
December 31st, 2021 at 3:14 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Why Hip Strength Is So Important and How To Develop It

Included in the Hip Strength Video Tutorial
Hip Dis-Placement Drill

Stand laterally on one leg in a chamber position with the arms across the body. The chamber should be across the front line , above waist height , and not too high.
The anchor leg should be strong with a good posture in a lateral position ( oblique muscles recruited) .

This exercise replicates various conditions the player finds themselves in during the modern game helping them to cope with the positions they find them selves in under pressure in Todays Taekwondo.

Such conditions in a dominant lead leg game off the cancel , where the leg can be dis-placed into any position during offence and defence  causing possible vulnerability. It’s occurrence  can also happen during recovery phases of kicks , both players legs kicking at the same time or during leg control techniques which require the player to kick with multiple phase kicks. Therefore this basic exercise helps with the strength required in these positions during matches.

The chain of strength first starts with the anchor leg being solid ( slightly bent), a good enough angle to maintain position and a continuous adjustment through the exercise to help the player reset.

Pushing the leg or knee out of position strengthens and recruits the opposing muscles when returning  into a chamber position. This can be abductor, adductor , internal / external rotation, posterior and anterior hip strength. In the modern game almost any position is feasible.

The last part of the chain is the upper body remaining lateral through strengthening the obliques and core with cover minimising any back bending or leaning where the player will again be vulnerable or not be able to fully extend during match conditions.

These drills can be applied as part of an activation or hip warmup prior to kicking for approximately 3-5 sets of 8 repetitions which should increase in difficulty level as the skill level improves.

The aim is to mimic and strengthen during these fight conditions which best prepares the player for situations they will inevitably be in.


Learn how taekwondo champions train, sign up for our full online taekwondo training video program. Your instructors are Olympic coaches Paul Green and Gareth Brown.

Posted in From The Coaches by Paul Green
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